Welcome to Dog Seminars Directory
At Dog Seminars Directory you will find listings of dog-related seminars around the world.
The “dog” industry is spread out and scattered without a reliable, central resource for seminar and conference information. -- until now!
Dog Seminars Directory is the ONLY comprehensive directory of dog-related seminars, webinars, and telecourses in the world.
Dog Seminars Directory
does *not* have any particulars about any seminar or
whether there will be upcoming seminars in a certain area.
We are a listing directory only.
Please call or email the host for each seminar for more information!
If a seminar is not listed here, we have no information about it.
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I am pleased to bring you content free of charge.
When you click on some links and purchase some items through my website,
I receive a referral commission.
I recommend products and services that I think you will benefit by using.
Thank you for your support.
Here's a testimonial from Dr. Ian Dunbar:
Promoting dog seminars just got easier, more efficient,
less forest-intensive and far less expensive.
And another from Veronica Boutelle of dogTEC:
The number of events for dog trainers, and the number of people and companies coordinating them, has grown steadily over the last ten years. Trainers have a dizzying array of choices now, and event coordinators must work harder than ever to make their schedule of offerings known.
Resources like DogSeminarsDirectory.com are a fantastic tool for this work, bringing together event planners and trainers inexpensively and conveniently.
We use the service for dogTEC events and we highly recommend it to anyone who puts on seminars for dog professionals.
You may access the seminar information in several ways:
Here's an example of how to use this site.
To find a seminar by Subject, for example, Dog Behavior Seminars, click on the Subject link where all Dog Behavior Seminars are listed, and then see what seminars are listed.
Perhaps you are looking for Telecourses. Then also click on Location where you will see a listing of Telecourses, and click on that link. Let's say you live in Illinois; then you would also go to the Location page and click on Illinois to find all the seminar listings for Illinois.
Similarly, if you are looking for a specific speaker such as Nicole Wilde, go to the Speakers page where you will find an alphabetical list of Speakers. Click on "W" to find all Speakers whose last names begin with "W," and scroll down to Nicole Wilde where you find all her seminars listed.
Finally, you can find seminars by Date. Go to the Date page. Simply click on the month, and you will be taken to a calendar that lists all the seminars throughout the world given each day of the month. (This section is especially helpful if you are planning to host a seminar to see that there are no other seminars on that date that will conflict with yours so you can have maximum attendance.)
Let's say you are planning a trip to Illinois to visit family, but you are not sure of the date. By using Dog Seminars Directory, you can plan your trip around a seminar and write off a portion of the trip on your taxes by attending a seminar in Illinois at that time!
Dog Seminars Directory is updated often to give you the most current and up-to-the-minute information regarding dog seminars. Please bookmark us for easy reference.
If you don't have the time to look through our new listings, we'll send the info to you!!!
Just join our Mailing List.
Please let others know about Dog Seminars Directory.
* Tell other professionals in the canine community.
* Tell your clients.
* Post it in your club's email or newsletter.
* Mention it on your email discussion lists.
* Include a link on your Web sites.
Dog Seminars Directory wants your input.
Please Contact Us and let us know how we can improve the site, if links are broken, or if there are other topics that should be listed. We would also love to hear your comments about this site and suggestions for other sites.
Here is what some trainers and seminar speakers have to say!
The web site looks great! Nice design, and you are providing such a needed service in the dog training community. Thanks for helping to bring us all together.
Nicole Wilde, CPDT
Author "Help for Your Fearful Dog,"
"So You Want to be a Dog Trainer" and
other books for dog trainers
I suppose it's good to tell you this every once in awhile, but I really, really use your seminars directory and just signed up for Ian Dunbar here in Massachusetts!
Dr. Mary C. Cerreto, KPA CTP
I just wanted to say nice job on the website. You made great improvements and it's really user-friendly.
Amy Herot, CPDT
All Good Dogs, LLC
I am a dog trainer in the state of Illnios. It's been difficult to find seminars semi close to me. I was glad to hear about your site.
Trisha Wong
I think your directory is great. Thanks for taking the time to track all the events.
Kimberly Kamphaus
I just wanted to jot a line and let you know how much I appreciate receiving the seminar notices.
Thank you so much for this service!
Mara Windstar, CDBC-SAC
The seminar I listed with you is full, so I do not need you to do a second posting. Many thanks for your help in publicizing it!
Dixie Tenny, Human-Animal Learning Opportunities
If you have contact information on national and international dog-related organizations (not local clubs), please Contact Us so we can list them.
We have attempted to include the most up-to-date information available, but we are not responsible for errors or omissions. If you know there is an error or misrepresentation, please Contact Us immediately. We will investigate it to our best ability.
Visit our sister site, www.dogbookslibrary.com.
Would you like to increase your dog training business? Please visit the Add Your Dog Trainer Listing page at www.DogTrainersDirectory.com for more information.
Do you have a dog-related product or service that you would like to advertise?
You may have the greatest product in the world, but unless you advertise, nobody knows about it. See how you can Advertise Your Product, School, or Service with our reasonable rates!
Disclaimer: We make every effort to post accurate and current information. The information regarding the seminars is supplied by the hosts or the speaker. Be sure to check with each lister's Website. If you find an error or a broken link on this site, please let us know.
The listings on this Website are for informational purposes only and are neither supported or endorsed by Dog Seminars Directory . We reserve the right to refuse to list, edit, or remove any seminar or speaker.
The information contained in this website is provided as a free service for information only and is not intended as a substitute for veterinary, grooming, dog training, or dog behavior advice or treatment. It does not create any form of legal or professional relationship. Dog Seminars Directory does not accept any liability or responsibility for any action taken or avoided on the basis of information provided herein. Please consult a veterinarian in matters relating to your dog’s health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention, a groomer for grooming issues, a dog trainer for dog training issues, and a dog behavior consultant for dog behavior issues so that each professional consultation can be tailored to your own individual circumstances. Thank you.
Photos on this site are from istock.com and/or bigstock.com unless otherwise noted.
Photo of Caryl Wolff is courtesy of Bill Alexander.
Site logo and Doggie Manners logo are courtesy of Scott Miles.
Each trainer or advertiser provides its own logo and photos.
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These terms of use apply to your use of all our sites and services now or at any time in the future, including social media sites, owned, hosted, or operated by Caryl Wolff, Internet Dog Products, and/or Doggie Manners, collectively referred to as “Caryl Wolff” or “she.”
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The following Terms of Use and Privacy Policy are current as of May 25, 2018 but are subject to change without notice at any time. Please visit www.DogSeminarsDirectory.com for updates.
Www.DogSeminarsDirectory.com is a website that lists seminars, webinars, or telecourses related to animals with an emphasis on dogs. We are based in the United States, owned and operated by certified dog trainer/behavior consultant Caryl Wolff. We sell listings to our directory, books, ebooks, and products. We use PayPal to when you purchase a listing and Amazon when you purchase a book, ebook, or product.
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- You may purchase seminars, webinars, or telecourses by clicking through to the contact information provided by each of the hosts of the seminars, webinars, or telecourses.
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Contacting Us
Once you are added to our email list, we will send you information about seminar, webinar, or telecourse listings and also information about books, products, or services of or by Caryl Wolff.
You may receive an email in one of three ways:
- By being a training client
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- contact us at caryl{at}carylwolff.com; caryl{at}internetdogproducts.com; caryl{at}doggiemanners
- write us at 1719 Federal Avenue, Los Angeles, Ca 90025
Terms of Use
Caryl Wolff, Internet Dog Products, and/or Doggie Manners (collectively referred to as “Caryl Wolff” or “she”) has made every effort to be as complete and accurate as possible regarding the information in this website at the time of publication. However, there may be both typographical and content mistakes. Additionally, there are other sources of material which cover other aspects of this subject, approach it in a different manner, or in more depth. Therefore, the user should read other material, use the information on this website as a guide, and tailor it to his or her needs rather than rely on it as the ultimate source. Even if the user follows any, some, or all the suggestions, the user may not get the hoped-for result.
Caryl Wolff does not represent or warrant the completeness of the information on this website. She does not assume and she disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, disruption, or damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. The information, recommendations, advice, suggestions, and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation.
Any organizations, websites, links, other books, or products referred to herein are for informational purposes only, and those references are not for content, accuracy, or any other implied or explicit purpose. Those references do not mean that Caryl Wolff endorses any or all the information that those references give or recommendations they make. Furthermore, those references may have changed or been removed between the time this website was published and the time of reading.
This website is intended for information only and is not intended as a substitute for veterinary, grooming, dog training, or dog behavior advice or treatment. Any reliance the user places on such information is therefore strictly at the user’s own risk. The user should consult a veterinarian in matters relating to his or her puppy’s/dog’s health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention, a groomer for grooming issues, a puppy/dog trainer for puppy/dog training issues, and a puppy/dog behavior consultant for puppy/dog behavior issues.
by Caryl Wolff 
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